Curriculum Vitae

Highlights of Qualifications 

  • Public speaking from giving workshops to groups over 100 participants    
  • Board and Treasurer experience                           
  • Meeting facilitation / coordination and minute taking
  • Small business operations / production of promotional materials     
  • Budget formulation / administration  
  • Cooking/baking/healthy recipe creation    
  • Volunteer recruitment / training / management                                      
  • Counseling/crisis intervention training and experience
  • Website content production / maintenance                                                 
  • Newsletter production /dissemination
  • Finance management/bookkeeping /payroll preparation          

    Work History

    September 2019- Present, Eco-Program Instructor, City of Toronto/ Parks
  • Developed, planned, coordinated and evaluated a children’s garden and nature based cooking program for 0-9 year olds.
  • Implemented cooking program in nature exploration and organic gardening.
  • Performed administrative tasks to support the program.
  • Interacted with staff, parents to provide program information.
  • Follows the principles of Healthy Child Development (HIGH FIVE®) in the planning and delivery of programs.
  • Screened public and provided information at Allan Gardens staying with COVID-19 protocol

    April 2020-July 2020, Redeployed Staff, Castleview Wychwood Towers Long Term Care
  • Adapted quickly to unpredictable COVID-19 related changes and job role placements. Starting in food services then moving into resident services, transporting and transferring residents and assisting Recreational Assistants during pandemic outbreak.
  • Completed administrative tasks, stepped in as a screener at the entrance and helped disinfect high-touch areas

February 2014- March 2020, Fitness and Facility-in-Charge, City of Toronto Fitness

  • Taught multi-level fitness classes including a registered older adult class where I developed and documented goals for gait training, range of motion, sensory stimulation and other rehabilitation techniques
  • Developed, along with a team, a program to introduce youth to fitness and strength training which then expanded to other Toronto districts
  • Partnered with Toronto Employment & Social Services to train clients to reach fitness requirements for Toronto Paramedics, FireFighters and Police; recording observations, monitoring their progress and adjusting program to reach their goals
  • Assisted Management with administrative tasks for screening applications, scheduling interviews and editing FUN guide

January 2004-March 2020, Movement Specialist, Whole Self Fitness

  • Working primarily with seniors in restorative elder care exercise programs.
  • Helped clients with chronic illness and disabilities improve their mobility by providing strength exercises, sensory stimulation, reality orientation based on the activities of their daily living
  • Evaluating new clients through an assessment, then implementing rehabilitation programs to improve or maintain level of functioning, or prevent or delay loss of functioning.

    2012 – 2013: Accounting Assistant, Second City
  • Reconciled vendor statements and investigated discrepancies and created document to balance and keep statistical summaries of all revenue and expenditures
  • Counted cash and checked accuracy on totals from bar and box sales
  • Accounts receivable processing, entering invoices for payments, deposited cheques and assisted with payroll

    2011-12: Office Manager, Green Gardeners
  • Improved customer service and time managed virtual office tasks with CRM software
  • Handle a large volume of email and phone inquiries, followed up on customer estimates, scheduled staff to client’s yards, ordered supplies for each job and prepared bi-weekly payroll

    2009 CultureLink/Bike Union, Toronto, Cycling Outreach Coordinator
  • Organized media launch for the“From Back Home to our New Home” campaign resulting in 16 positive media uptakes.
  • Secured a $250,000 grant to expand the project from six months to three years
  • Outreached to stakeholders creating over 60 connections with agencies serving newcomers, including local councillors, city staff and cultural centres.
  • Project coordinated the development, printing and translation for the first edition of Cyclist Handbook

    2002 – 04 Intake Worker and Office Support, East Toronto Community Legal Services
  • Answered high volume of calls and referred callers to appropriate agencies and community services
  • Greeted clients and completed intake interviews for Legal Aid Services in a timely and organized manner
  • Problem solved by utilizing knowledge of policies, practices and procedures when dealing with difficult clients sometimes having to diffuse emotionally-charged situations
  • Researched using a database for community needs assessment study
  • Inputted and filed client information into the computer using a specialized software program

    2000-05 Receptionist and Community Worker, Toronto Community Hostel
  • Provided counseling, performed intakes and managed conflicts in a homeless shelter for families
  • Referred a high number of calls and walk-in’s to other social service organizations based on their needs
  • Handled confidential files with discretion 

2010 – 2014 Farmers’ Market Vendor, Toronto Farmers’ Markets

  • Responsible for set up and tear down display of products at Toronto Farmers Market, answering customer enquiries and handling cash in a friendly manner
  • Educated customers in person and via social media about local, sustainable food

    Summer 2008 Nutrition and Cooking Counsellor, Camp Kaizen
  • Taught girls aged 9-14 how to cook nutritious meals on a budget at a weight-loss camp
  • Introduced wellness management program to prioritize their future wellness care

    1996-2005 Independent Filmmaker, LLEV Productions
  • Wrote, produced and directed short films for film festivals on a tight budget
  • Communicated with cast and crew to create efficient, equal and co-operative productions

    Computer Software Skills
  • Microsoft Office- (MS Word, Excel, Outlook, Access, and PowerPoint)
  • Adobe- Premiere, After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator and Acrobat
  • Google Documents
  • PC and MAC Proficient
  • CLASS (Membership, Registration and Point of Sale)

    Volunteer Work

2018-2020: Librarian and Outreach coordinator- Toronto Tool Library
2011- 2013: Board Member Treasurer – Cycle Toronto
2011- 2012: Fundraising Committee Member – Cycle Toronto
2011- 2012: Kitchen Prep Help – Law Society Feed the Hungry Meal Program
2009-Present: Walk Leader – Jane’s Walk
2010-Present: Tree Picker – Not Far From the Tree
2010- 2011 Greenhouse and Kitchen Assistant – The Stop Community Food Centre
2009: HR Committee – Toronto Cyclists Union
2007: Events Committee Member – Green Neighbours 21
2009: Volunteer Coordinator – Toronto Cyclists Union
2007-08: Events Coordinator – Green Enterprise Toronto
2003-2005 Film Curator Hart House Film Board

Training and Certifications

Ontario Smart Serve

Canadian Food Handler’s Certificate

Coaching Association of Canada Multi Coaching Theory Level 1 Coaching Theory

Coaching, Coaching Athletes with a Disability Theory

Goal Ball Community Coach Certification

Ontario Fitness Council Group Fitness Instructor and Strength Specialist (3rd Age, Aquafit, Pilates) 

High Five -Principles of Healthy Child Development

East to West Yoga Pilates Specialist for Mat 

Red Cross Standard First Aid and CPR 

Facing Confrontation in Customer Service 

Long Term Care Homes- Emergency Codes Part 1 and 2

Toronto Public Service By-law e-learning 

SSLTC Division Declaration and confidentiality 

SSLTC Responsive Behaviour 2020- Redeployment 

SSLTC Cognitive Impairment 2020 

SSLTC– Commitment to Care 

City of Toronto Supervisor Competency Training

Gerontology Certificate

Post- Secondary Education

Interactive Multimedia Post Graduate Diploma – Humber College
Bachelor of Social Science – York University