Almost every day since being in isolation, I have daily conversations with friends. I always ask what they’re having for dinner. I find changing the topic to food lightens everything. I have heard elaborate meal ideas and I even watched them eat it. Yet, with all the creative gastronomy around, I’ve had little desire for elaborate meals.
I think I’ve been eating the same food day in day out since March 13th:
Breakfast Raw spinach with tahini dressing, sauerkraut and some kind of protein, usually turmeric eggs or fish/seafood.
Lunch I have a soup that I make every 4-5 days, with a variety of beans/lentils and mushrooms. I love mushrooms. I also make a broth on the last meal of the current soup to get ready for making the next soup the following day.
In the early afternoon I crave calories. I start with roasted veggies, sweet potato, brussels sprouts and/or broccoli. Today I had a craving for zucchini, I think the next time I shop I’ll get some. Sided by a protein of some sort.
At 6pm, I have dinner with two of my favourite women. While they are eating full course meals, I’m munching on my favourite carbs. They tend to be popcorn (with nutritional yeast and salt) and flat bread which I have been baking EVERY NIGHT! I top it with cheese and avocado. For ‘dessert’ or night time snack I’ll eat a lot of peanut butter. I can’t get enough of peanut butter. I try to stop eating two hours before bed.
Today for the long weekend, I thought I’d make a chicken biriyani. Over night I let the yogurt, garlic, ginger, and Biriyani spices marinate on the chicken. Today at 4pm when I was hungry, I didn’t feel like spending time making the biriyani. I just dropped the chicken into the Instant pot and went on with my non-cooking tasks. While it wasn’t the elaborate meal I was inspired to make yesterday, it was a satisfying meal, for me. Plus I had flat bread and peanut butter later. That’s the food I get most of my calories from these days. It’s kept me able to ride around the city getting groceries to my senior friends.
Until I start to feel tired, weak or achy, I’ll eat what I feel like. It’s an unusual time, so having some kind of consistent diet makes me feel some what normal in the eating department.