Just before COVID-19 changed everyone’s lives, I had a full time job offer with the city that was to start on March 25th, 2020. I had my non-city clients and classes scheduled before and after work to keep my fitness leadership career active. I was both apprehensive and excited for the change.
On March 14th, my fitness career became non-essential and the full time job offer was receded. The change that was suppose to happen didn’t but a change definitely did happen!
Phase 1- March 14th-April 23rd, 2020
I spent most of my time navigating the online world. I didn’t invest the time on social media before COVID, now I was lost in the internet abyss. I made a bunch of exercise videos, volunteered a bit, took some online classes but I felt I wanted to be more useful.
Phase 2- April 24th- July 13th, 2020
When the opportunity to be redeployed in long term care came up I went for it. It was one of the most educational experiences of my life. The work was tough, physically taxing but because I was caring for the vulnerable, it become a labour of love. The residents have fascinating stories and families who love them. Most of us forget that seniors were once active, contributing members of society (and still are) and deserve equal care. Everyday I learned how a long term care home runs and how they are handling keeping over 400 residents isolated. I was getting comfortable there and saw myself working there through the pandemic and possibly beyond. Alas, my redeployment assignment came to an end a week ago.
Phase 3
Now I’m unemployed. I spent the first 7 days of it resting, meditating and feeling sorry for myself. On the 8th day, I made a 2 year plan. I’ll go over my plan in another blog post.
Today I launched my Patreon page to continue helping people move. The videos have improved sound quality and audio description if you want to listen as you follow the exercises. In the current COVID reality, we’re all rethinking how we spend our fitness budget and how we stay active and keep moving. Here’s your chance to get in on the ground floor of a new way of doing things! Then help spread the word! Here is the link.

Going to miss the view. I literally got to touch and see every corner of the home. This was the Castleview side. Can you see the castle?

This was the south west view. Christie Gardens another LTC home is across the street.

The South view was great.

This was my favourite view. The hill going up north. So close to my home. There’s nothing better than working close to home.