January, I moved into my new home. I hadn’t lived with someone in over 15 years. There was a bit of an adjustment period. I’ve learned a lot about my cohabitants and enjoyed adapting to the them in this beautiful neighbourhood.

I bought an keyboard and love my view of the sunrise when I play.
Highlights of 2016 were discovering the love of playing trivia with friends, day trips, and saying yes to interesting work opportunities revolved around healthy living.
March was also busy with work but made it out to volunteer at the Annual Achilles St. Patrick Day run. I went to an excellent piano concert by pianist, Til Fellner. I experimented with insect recipes. Making my friend’s birthday party a blast.

Frying the Mealworms
April had some work changes. Same amount of hours, different classes and clients. I also began coaching Goal Ball. I gave my first piano recital since 1982! Gave a fun talk on sweet potatoes at The Depanneur.
May was busy with new clients and meetings for the new senior co-housing project. It’s still in the planning stages.
June, my fitness classes started to quiet down and I used that time to attend training and do special events for the City of Toronto related to bikes and fitness.
July, I got to house-sit in Brooklyn, New York. I’ve decided that Manhattan is okay, but Brooklyn is superb!

Climbing down a tough but beautiful climb in Canmore.
August I was lucky to leave Toronto during a heat wave and head to Calgary/Canmore. A very busy and active week of mountain hikes, swimming in Alberta’s awesome community pools and getting to know my partner’s family.
The fall I began a 49 hour work week, shuffling early morning classes, clients, and corporate fitness centre coordinating. I was lucky to lead a pilot project to teach youth about strength training and fitness. It was such a success, it is now a permanent program with the city.
November I was invited to a gala for the Ontario Blind Sport Association. I love the work they do for athletes. I attended the annual AGM Achilles xmas party and after eating too much dessert there, I decided to quit sugar.
I quit sugar on December 1st. I didn’t plan it, I knew it was going to happen sometime in December/January. On December 1st when I realized around lunch time that I hadn’t yet eaten sugar I continued to not eat sugar. Now it’s almost a month and I hope this continues through the new year. I’ll keep you updated. So far everything is great.
In 2015 I kept a gratitude diary. This year I will keep track of my acts of kindness. Hope my kindness helps you some time in 2016.