Monthly free newsletter offering recipes, fitness tips and more!

Welcome to March!

I know it’s been a long winter or should I say, a real winter?!  Spring is just about here and mild days and blossoms are going to arrive before you know it!  Thinking of getting a healthy start with the warmer weather approaching? Call/email Whole Self Fitness, we can help!

Recipe of the Month – Ethical Chicken Soup Recipe

If you’ve ever tasted the difference between an ethically raised chicken and a factory raised chicken, the ethically raised chicken tastes way better.  If price is the one reason stopping you from eating ethically, here’s a recipe to get several flavourful meals out of a soup chicken:

Fitness DVD Review – Yoga for Arthritis

There are a lot of Fitness DVDs out there, not one is the ‘all you need’ workout. This monthly review let’s you make better decisions before you go out and buy them.  With some tips on what to avoid/skip.  Note: Please watch the entire workout before you start, especially if you’re new to fitness.  Here is the link for March’s Fitness DVD Review.

Water Exercise- Finding Motivation for Water Exercise

Swimming isn’t on everyone’s mind when the weather isn’t warm outside.  Whatever the season is, water exercise feels great, that alone is reason to make the effort. Here are some tips to get you motivated.

Enjoy the last few days of winter and March break!