With all the headlines announcing the latest super food or ingredient to avoid, it’s no wonder so many attempts, at healthy eating, fail. What exactly is healthy eating? What is the right diet? Is it Paleo, Gluten-Free, Vegan? How do you know what the right diet is for you?
This fall, I’m teaching a course on Healthy Eating. For 3 weeks, we’ll deconstruct all the popular diets, learn to do an elimination test, read food labels and much more. By the end of the 3 weeks, you’ll have a better understanding of how to choose the right diet for you.
Registration is now open. There are two sections to choose from. For section 1, sign up: http://harthouse.ca/eventssingle/healthy-eating_5229. For section 2, sign up: http://harthouse.ca/eventssingle/healthy-eating_5230
Have questions? Email Leehe@WholeSelf.ca. Please spread the word about this invaluable course offering.