The near future is looking grim. I imagine there’s a lot of people having much more problems adapting than I am.
I spend a lot of my time trying to reach out to people in need. I’m also milking this time to try and finish my novel and various craft projects. I am active outdoors often but if we’re on lockdown and I am unable to run or walk distances outside our property, I’ll have to adapt. It won’t be easy but I’ll try.
I will keep moving anyway I can and want to help you move too.
Starting Tuesday March 24th at 11am, I’ll be available for on-line fitness motivation. Before you email for the link, here’s what to expect.
It will not be a fitness class/session like you’re used too. The internet is overloaded, so expect stuttering and freezing. It will mostly be verbal cueing over visual cueing. I want to make sure you’re keeping active, so keep video on. No lurkers please.
Compensation. I have some time before I need to panic about the fact that I have no income. For the next two weeks, I’ll ask that you help or make a donation to someone who really needs it. My love of fitness is my way of spreading good karma during this uncertain time.
I look forward to your online visits. Take care all.