Happy Autumn!
With Thanksgiving and Halloween approaching, learning to make the right eating choices and using effective fitness programs make the holidays actually good for your body. Find out how Whole Self Fitness can help, 416-924-3145/Leehe@WholeSelf.ca
Leehe’s Corner
Confused about Paleo, vegan and all popular the diets out there? How do you know what the right one for you is? What is a super food? How many calories do you need? There are many different answers to these questions and my class on Healthy Eating will make sure to end that confusion, making healthy eating less of a mystery. Next session starts October 20th. Sign up today! http://harthouse.ca/eventssingle/healthy-eating-session-ii_5407
Many of you have asked about Pilates classes open to the public. I started teaching one on Tuesday mornings at Trinity Bellwoods Community Centre.
Know any children that want to be future chefs who understand healthy cooking? I’m leading a new cooking class for kids, starting Oct. 16th. Only 3 spots left!
Recipe of the Month – Apple Butter
I recently went on an apple pick with Not Far From the Tree and came home with 12 pounds of apples. I had borrowed a friend’s slow cooker and out came my new favourite apple treat…Apple Butter: http://wholeself.ca/recipe-apple-butter/
Fitness DVD Review – Stability Barre Training
There are a lot of Fitness DVDs out there, not one is the ‘all you need’ workout. This monthly review let’s you make better decisions before you go out and buy them. With some tips on what to avoid/skip. Note: Please watch the entire workout before you start, especially if you’re new to fitness. Here is the link for August’s Fitness DVD Review.http://wholeself.ca/fitness-dvd-review-stability-barre-training/
Water Exercise – Water Exercise Rocks!
Just because the outdoor pools have closed down and the lakes are too cold to swim in doesn’t mean water exercise is over. Toronto is lucky to have many public pools for you to swim, aquafit, water run, play and have fun all year long! Whole Self Fitness is still providing private swim lessons and water exercise sessions in your condo pool. Here’s an article that further confirms how amazing water is: http://ideas.ted.com/2014/06/25/science_of_freediving/
Have a safe, healthy and fun Thanksgiving weekend!