Fall 2021 Update

It’s been a while since I’ve updated this blog. I took a social media break in September and I enjoyed it so much I haven’t returned! Life is so busy, I’m not sure where I found the time before. On June 1st I moved out on my own to an apartment...

My Mindful Eating Experience

At my last Long Term Care redeployment assignment, one of the tasks I did each shift was feed a man who was non-cognitive. He was a good eater. I would feed him everything on his plate in very small bites to avoid choking. It took 45 minutes for him to eat everything....

Surviving a Year in a Pandemic

You survived a year in a pandemic! We’re alive! This year was life-changing. I feel a lot better now than I did a year ago and I owe it all to luck, wise decisions and these three undertakings. Mindfulness At the start of the pandemic I educated myself about the...

2020: Year in Review

2020 nearly broke me. I’m grateful I’ve been able to bounce back from most of my disappointments of 2020. I have more to be thankful for than resentment this year. Here’s a recap of 2020 by the season. Winter The year started with a resolution to be...

LLEV Writes: Phase 3 of Pandemic

Just before COVID-19 changed everyone’s lives, I had a full time job offer with the city that was to start on March 25th, 2020. I had my non-city clients and classes scheduled before and after work to keep my fitness leadership career active. I was both...

FAQ and Recipe

I’ve been at my redeployment assignment in long term care for over two months now. Many people have asked a lot of similar questions. I thought I’d use this blog post to answer some of them. What do you do now at the home since you’ve moved out of...

LLEV Writes:Summer Solstice Update

Happy Solstice! My last blog post, I mentioned how I was ‘hanging by a thin thread’ in my redeployed role as a food service worker. A few days later, I injured my shoulder. Two weeks off work, with sleepless nights, crying in pain and also feeling like a...

LLEV Writes: 1 month as an Essential Worker Update

This redeployment assignment has tested my emotional and physical strength. I’m still hanging on by a thin thread. It will be interesting to look back on this time in the future but right now it’s never ending hardship. How I’ve coped so far. Making...